Eleusian Mysteries

The Eleusian Mysteries, originally derived from ancient Egyptian mysticism and passed on to Greece, are no longer in practice. In fact, little are known about the actual contents of the rites, except that they aimed to prepare the soul for the unknown and by doing so, giving a person the power to...
"...not only to live happily, but also to die with a better hope." (Cicero)
Cicero also states his belief that the rites have enabled Rome to come out of a "barbarous and savage" mode to live a life of education and refinement in the state of civilization.

There are many looking for gateways to such secret knowledge, while in fact the most obvious is hiding in plain sight:

The Legend of Hercules

In the 12 Labors of Hercules he must, on his last assignment, journey to Hades to fight the watchdog Cerberus. The fight in itself is conspicuously uneventful. The major lesson of the tale is that in order to rid himself of fear he must prepare for death, and to do so Hercules undertakes the cleansing of the soul, The Eleusian Mystery Rites.

The 12 Labors of Hercules are, in themselves, a gateway, a mystery hidden within a legend, and a journey towards inevitable death.

Each task is loosely tied to one of the 12 signs in the Zodiac. For each realm Hercules must face a new daunting challenge and, to solve complete the task, invent new methods of problem-solving.

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