
The Era of Clinical Fertility

As I have explained in several previous posts, the movement of Pluto across the celestial sphere indicates a death-transformation process for the Zodiac sign it passes through. Several more complex observations relating to the aspect the dwarf planet can be made, the most important that the opposite sign to Pluto's transit will experience a bloom - the logic being that it is the point furthest removed from the presence of death.

In the previous transit, Pluto passing through Sagittarius, we saw a rapid, explosive growth in communication technologies. Everything relating to information technology was highlighted. 
  • Internet beat the printed and visual media when comes to advertisement revenues. 
  • Cell phones became the property of every man and woman and child, and developed into the smart phone. 
  • Google became a verb, synonymous with Internet search.
  • In just eight years Facebook became a commercial giant. 
  • Social networking sites took a permanent place in the social lives of the masses.
  • Time Magazine celebrated the power of Internet by selecting "You" the Person of the Year in 2006.
  • In 2011 the "Protester", highly inspired and coordinated by the web, was selected Time's Person of the Year.
As Jean-Jaques Servan-Schreiber accurately predicted already in the early 19080s the information revolution would become the mega-event to define the era, an infrastructural improvement more influential than the invention of the steam engine.

While having been under development for several decades, it was in the flourishing period indicated by Pluto transiting the opposite sign to Gemini, it all manifested. Gemini is, above all, the Zodiac sign of communication.

Going one step further back in time to test the assumption, we can see that the previous era, where Pluto transited Scorpio, gave rise to the popularization of another technology: The excercise machine, erected in gyms and finally also in private homes all over the Westernized world, enforcing a health regime and an aestheticism traditionally associated with Taurus - the opposite sign to Scorpio.

A New Bi-Polar Dynamic

We are already wise to how Pluto asserts its influence in this sign, exposing, attacking and sanctioning the abuse of power in all the major areas of authority: Government, business, church and policing.

The "absence" of Plutonic influence in Cancer isolationist cancer can also be seen politically, with growing nationalist, isolationism and protectionism worldwide. 

These trends can be seen as counter-movements to the rampant globalism, the excess of power it affords the global mobile elite and the trampling of worker's rights locally due to the enormous distance to power in a world-wide hierarchical structure, and to the general impunity of such giants as BP, Monsanto, Blackwater and, for that matter, Google.

On the positive side the blossoming of Cancer also produces a new cold war dynamic between the entrenched poles of the West (NATO) and the Sino-Russian alliance that, to some degree, has taken Syria and Iran as their protectorates.

The new global dynamic may be better defined as a "lukewarm war" and a process in which the West and the East learn to cooperate in what business experts and geopolitical observers have already called a "marriage of convenience" between the main protagonists, USA and China.

In technical terms it is called assymmetric dependency. While it does further some significant problems of social oppression, financial exploitation and ecological disruption, it also produces a blueprint for peace in an age, where Homo Sapiens cannot afford a globalized military conflict.

Demographics, Procreation and Replication

If the rule about Pluto favoring the sign of its "absence" is to be trusted, what may be the overarching new technology to be launched during the current transit of Capricorn?

It is not evident to most people what is the main theme of this transit, and how it translates into a technological and social and cultural development with general ramifications and lifestyle changes that involve everybody.

The key to understanding the development initiated is the potentially catastrophic decrease in fertility.

Cancer governs fertility, maternity and motherhood. Politically, this era puts emphasis on women's rights, favoring feminism for as much as it does not impede with the overarching goal of Hera, who is the embodiment of the Cancer spirit - the jealous, zealous and sometimes vindictive mother, consort to Zeus and the protector of marriage as an institution.

The Cancer symbol is associated with Hera, who sent a crab to disturb Hercules while he fought the Lernean Hydra. It resembles the female reproductive organ, which is very appropriate, since Hera is the protector of marriage as an institution.
Culturally, the big problem of our age revolves around demographics, procreation and problems of replication. Population reduction of the Third World is on the agenda of the most populated nations, such as China, India and the Philippines, and a project sponsored and supported by large global power-brokers like the Bill and Melinda (Gates) Foundation.

Reversely, demographic transition is a source of great panic and hysteria in both Europe and America. Demographic projections do not favor white voter control of America past 2050, where Hispanics are set to take control of the continent. Europe will grow increasingly dependent on foreign workers.

Pollution, Clinical Fertility and New Eugenics

On top of this, fertility rates are dropping due to a combination of factors. It is speculated that plastic as a pollutant, lower testosterone levels in men in general due to more seditary work, is the reason for a catastrophic drop in sperm counts.

A study estimates that worldwide, between 1940 and 1990, the average number of sperm in a millimeter of male semen dropped more than 50%. The percentage of men with extremely low sperm count tripled in the past century.

The average 30 year old male today may have less than 25% of the sperm count of the average male born in  1925. Additionally, procreation is often postponed for the educated classes due to economic factors, reducing the quality of sperm and the fertility of the woman progressively with age.

This leads to a situation, where planned parenthood on all levels is becoming the main challenge of modern society and artificial insemination may become not only a leading industry but an important factor in the everyday lives of virtually all citizens. 

The two figures that compose the stylized Cancer symbol resembles sperm cells.

With this fundamental problem in mind we begin to see a new phase in human evolution, where man becomes auto-selective, taking control of all the aspects of reproduction and introducting, by its own necessity and by the inevitable social dynamics of artificial insemination, a new form of eugenics.

This will trigger some predictable political conflicts. Most obvious are the battles between futurists (and transhumanists) and the equally crazed traditionalists (religious irrationalists), and on a secondary level between new feminists and supporters of rugged survivalist patriarchal values.

In essence, it will become a battle over which genetic traits will define the human race in the future - a profound existential discussion that will not lack any of the epic qualities of the past era of explosive distribution of communication technology.

Feminism, Geocentrism and Permaculture

To understand the premises of the debates, which may not necessarily surface in direct form, it is recommended to read Valerie Solanas' ultra-radical SCUM Manifesto, which does put the topic of coexistence and interaction between the genders on edge, but also provides some curious insights into the "gender war" and its ramifications, politically, and for the individual relationships.

A few of the problems pointed out by Solanas are actually valid and germane. It cannot be contested that the male proclivity for dominance through violence represents a direct threat to the existence of mankind through war, or that the vast majority of violent crimes are committed by men in the age of 16-26.

Only because of the codependency of the genders these statistics have never risen to become a source of major political conflict, while crime statistics far less egregious involving racial distribution are being routinely exploited to suggest harsh political measures and clamp-downs.

On a more peaceful note, the absence of Pluto - its removed position in Capricorn - furthers a peaceful dialogue. Relationship issues, couple's counselling and marriage advise may prove beneficial to many, and we may witness a restoration of social norms and values associated with marriage. 

The Cancer Symbol also corresponds with the Earth symbol. Like with Libra, codependency and equilibrium between complementary forces is the essence of Cancer. The two parties may not see things the same way, but they acknowledge their fundamental similitude. 
The violent confrontations will be about human and civil rights, about social rights and class war, as we are currently witnessing - a long trend that will not pass easily and may send societies spiralling into totalitarianism and de facto martial law.

When Pluto transited Sagittarius, we saw the Western world attacked and reciprocating with vast, dysproportional force and no regard to the truth, to international law or the lives of millions, who were wrecked by a virtual chain reaction of invasions.

In this era we witness the rise of a new absolutism, corporatism, the introduction of unmanned killer drones and long distance, remote controlled warfare - the pinnacle of dehumanization and the wrapping of the Western mind in what British historian Paul Johnson dubbed a "Zeus Complex".

Just as hope emerged from the very region previously maligned as a hotbed of terrorism, humanizing the faces of Persians and Arabs to the Western world - through a process catalyzed by communication technologies - hope in the current era will rise from the feminist camp and from a rededication to maternal values: The protection of offspring and ecology as a science and ideology (Mother Earth, geocentrism and permaculture).

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